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Bindeth vs Windeth - What's the difference?

bindeth | windeth |

As verbs the difference between bindeth and windeth

is that bindeth is archaic third-person singular of bind while windeth is archaic third-person singular of wind.




  • (bind)
  • Anagrams





  • To tie; to confine by any ligature.
  • * (rfdate) (Shakespeare)
  • They that reap must sheaf and bind .
  • To cohere or stick together in a mass.
  • ''Just to make the cheese more binding
  • * (rfdate) (Mortimer)
  • clay binds by heat.
  • To be restrained from motion, or from customary or natural action, as by friction.
  • I wish I knew why the sewing machine binds up after I use it for a while.
  • To exert a binding or restraining influence.
  • These are the ties that bind .
  • To tie or fasten tightly together, with a cord, band, ligature, chain, etc.
  • to bind''' grain in bundles; to '''bind a prisoner.
  • To confine, restrain, or hold by physical force or influence of any kind.
  • Gravity binds the planets to the sun.
    Frost binds the earth.
  • * (rfdate) Job xxviii. 11.
  • He bindeth the floods from overflowing.
  • * (rfdate) Luke xiii. 16.
  • Whom Satan hath bound , lo, these eighteen years.
  • To couple.
  • (figuratively) To oblige, restrain, or hold, by authority, law, duty, promise, vow, affection, or other social tie.
  • to bind''' the conscience; to '''bind''' by kindness; '''bound''' by affection; commerce '''binds nations to each other.
  • * (rfdate) (Milton)
  • Who made our laws to bind us, not himself.
  • (legal) To put (a person) under definite legal obligations, especially, under the obligation of a bond or covenant.
  • (legal) To place under legal obligation to serve.
  • to bind''' an apprentice; '''bound out to service
  • To protect or strengthen by applying a band or binding, as the edge of a carpet or garment.
  • (archaic) To make fast (a thing) about or upon something, as by tying; to encircle with something.
  • to bind a belt about one
    to bind a compress upon a wound.
  • (archaic) To cover, as with a bandage.
  • to bind up a wound.
  • (archaic) To prevent or restrain from customary or natural action.
  • certain drugs bind the bowels.
  • To put together in a cover, as of books.
  • The three novels were bound together.
  • (computing) To associate an identifier with a value; to associate a variable name, method name, etc. with the content of a storage location.
  • * 2008 , Bryan O'Sullivan, John Goerzen, Donald Bruce Stewart, Real World Haskell (page 33)
  • We bind the variable n to the value 2, and xs to "abcd".
  • * 2009 , Robert Pickering, Beginning F# (page 123)
  • You can bind an identifier to an object of a derived type, as you did earlier when you bound a string to an identifier of type obj


    * fetter, make fast, tie, fasten, restrain * bandage, dress * restrain, restrict, obligate * * indenture

    Derived terms

    * bind over - to put under bonds to do something, as to appear at court, to keep the peace, etc. * bind to - to contract; as, to bind one's self to a wife. * bind up in - to cause to be wholly engrossed with; to absorb in.

    Derived terms

    * bindweed


    (en noun)
  • That which binds or ties.
  • A troublesome situation; a problem; a predicament or quandary.
  • Any twining or climbing plant or stem, especially a hop vine; a bine.
  • (music) A ligature or tie for grouping notes.
  • (chess) A strong grip or stranglehold on a position that is difficult for the opponent to break.
  • the Maróczy Bind


    * See also


    * *


    * English irregular verbs ----




  • (wind)

  • wind


    Etymology 1

    From (etyl), from (etyl) ; ultimately probably cognate with (weather).


    (Beaufort scale)
  • (countable, uncountable) Real or perceived movement of atmospheric air usually caused by convection or differences in air pressure.
  • * {{quote-magazine, date=2013-06-29, volume=407, issue=8842, page=29, magazine=(The Economist)
  • , title= Unspontaneous combustion , passage=Since the mid-1980s, when Indonesia first began to clear its bountiful forests on an industrial scale in favour of lucrative palm-oil plantations, “haze” has become an almost annual occurrence in South-East Asia. The cheapest way to clear logged woodland is to burn it, producing an acrid cloud of foul white smoke that, carried by the wind , can cover hundreds, or even thousands, of square miles.}}
  • Air artificially put in motion by any force or action.
  • (countable, uncountable) The ability to exert oneself without feeling short of breath.
  • * Shakespeare
  • If my wind were but long enough to say my prayers, I would repent.
  • news of an event, especially by hearsay or gossip - used with catch often in past tense
  • (India, and, Japan) One of the five basic elements (see ).
  • (uncountable, colloquial) Flatus.
  • Breath modulated by the respiratory and vocal organs, or by an instrument.
  • * (John Dryden)
  • Their instruments were various in their kind, / Some for the bow, and some for breathing wind .
  • A direction from which the wind may blow; a point of the compass; especially, one of the cardinal points, which are often called the "four winds".
  • * Bible, (Ezekiel) xxxvii. 9
  • Come from the four winds , O breath, and breathe upon these slain.
  • *
  • , title=(The Celebrity), chapter=5 , passage=When this conversation was repeated in detail within the hearing of the young woman in question, and undoubtedly for his benefit, Mr. Trevor threw shame to the winds and scandalized the Misses Brewster then and there by proclaiming his father to have been a country storekeeper.}}
  • A disease of sheep, in which the intestines are distended with air, or rather affected with a violent inflammation. It occurs immediately after shearing.
  • Mere breath or talk; empty effort; idle words.
  • * (John Milton)
  • Nor think thou with wind / Of airy threats to awe.
  • A bird, the dotterel.
  • Synonyms
    * (movement of air) breeze, draft, gale; see also * (flatus) gas (US); see also
    Derived terms
    * break wind * close to the wind * crosswind * downwind * fair wind * foul wind * get one's wind back * get the wind up * get wind of * headwind * like the wind * long-winded * pass wind * sail close to the wind * scattered to the four winds * second wind * see which way the wind is blowing * sow the wind and reap the whirlwind * tailwind * the winds * trade wind * take the wind out of someone's sails * three sheets to the wind * throw caution to the wind * throw to the wind * twist in the wind * upwind * whirlwind * willow in the wind * windbag * wind band * wind-blown * windboard * windbound * wind-break, windbreak * windbreaker * wind-breaker * windburn * wind chart * wind-cheater, windcheater * windchill * wind chimes * wind cone, windcone * wind egg * windfall * wind farm * windflaw * wind force * wind-gauge * wind gun * wind instrument * windily * windiness * windjammer * windless * windmill * window * windpipe * wind power * wind rose * wind scale * windscreen * wind shake * windshield * wind sleeve, windsleeve * wind sock, windsock * winds of change * windstorm * windsurf * windsurfer * windsurfing * wind-swept, windswept * wind tunnel * windward * windy
    See also
    * blizzard * breeze * cyclone * gale * gust * hurricane * nor'easter, northeaster * northwester * sou'easter, southeaster * sou'wester, southwester * storm * tempest * tornado * twister * typhoon * zephyr


    (en verb)
  • To blow air through a wind instrument or horn to make a sound.
  • *
  • To cause (someone) to become breathless, often by a blow to the abdomen.
  • The boxer was winded during round two.
  • (reflexive) To exhaust oneself to the point of being short of breath.
  • I can’t run another step — I’m winded .
  • (British) To turn a boat or ship around, so that the wind strikes it on the opposite side.
  • To expose to the wind; to winnow; to ventilate.
  • To perceive or follow by scent.
  • The hounds winded the game.
  • To rest (a horse, etc.) in order to allow the breath to be recovered; to breathe.
  • Etymology 2

    From (etyl) (m), from (etyl) (m), . Compare West Frisian (m), Low German (m), Dutch (m), German (m), Danish (m). See also the related term (m).


  • (lb) To turn coils of (a cord or something similar) around something.
  • :
  • *(John Milton) (1608-1674)
  • *:Whether to wind / The woodbine round this arbour.
  • *
  • *:It was April 22, 1831, and a young man was walking down Whitehall in the direction of Parliament Street. He wore shepherd's plaid trousers and the swallow-tail coat of the day, with a figured muslin cravat wound about his wide-spread collar.
  • (lb) To tighten the spring of the clockwork mechanism such as that of a clock.
  • :
  • To entwist; to enfold; to encircle.
  • *(William Shakespeare) (c.1564–1616)
  • *:Sleep, and I will wind thee in arms.
  • (lb) To travel, or to cause something to travel, in a way that is not straight.
  • :
  • *Sir (Walter Scott) (1771-1832)
  • *:He therefore turned him to the steep and rocky path whichwinded through the thickets of wild boxwood and other low aromatic shrubs.
  • *(Thomas Gray) (1716-1771)
  • *:The lowing herd wind slowly o'er the lea.
  • *
  • , title=(The Celebrity), chapter=4 , passage=Judge Short had gone to town, and Farrar was off for a three days' cruise up the lake. I was bitterly regretting I had not gone with him when the distant notes of a coach horn reached my ear, and I descried a four-in-hand winding its way up the inn road from the direction of Mohair.}}
  • *1969 , (Paul McCartney)
  • *:The long and winding road / That leads to your door / Will never disappear.
  • To have complete control over; to turn and bend at one's pleasure; to vary or alter or will; to regulate; to govern.
  • *(William Shakespeare) (c.1564–1616)
  • *:to turn and wind a fiery Pegasus
  • * (1591-1674)
  • *:Gifts blind the wise, and bribes do please / And wind all other witnesses.
  • *(William Shakespeare) (c.1564–1616)
  • *:Were our legislature vested in the prince, he might wind and turn our constitution at his pleasure.
  • To introduce by insinuation; to insinuate.
  • *(William Shakespeare) (c.1564–1616)
  • *:You have contrivedto wind / Yourself into a power tyrannical.
  • *Government of Tongues
  • *:little arts and dexterities they have to wind in such things into discourse
  • To cover or surround with something coiled about.
  • :
  • Derived terms
    * rewind * unwind * wind down * wind somebody round one's finger * wind up * windable * winder * winding * windlass * wind-up

