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Big vs Deep - What's the difference?

big | deep |

As nouns the difference between big and deep

is that big is a biological insulation garment; an air-tight, full-body suit intended to prevent the spread of contaminants while deep is the deep part of a lake, sea, etc.

As an adjective deep is

extending far away from a point of reference, especially downwards .

As an adverb deep is




Etymology 1

From a northern (etyl) dialectal term (m), .


  • Of great size, large.
  • :
  • *
  • *:The big houses, and there are a good many of them, lie for the most part in what may be called by courtesy the valleys. You catch a glimpse of them sometimes at a little distance from the [railway] line,, with their court of farm and church and clustered village, in dignified seclusion.
  • *{{quote-magazine, date=2013-07-06, volume=408, issue=8843, page=68, magazine=(The Economist)
  • , title= The rise of smart beta , passage=Investors face a quandary. Cash offers a return of virtually zero in many developed countries; government-bond yields may have risen in recent weeks but they are still unattractive. Equities have suffered two big bear markets since 2000 and are wobbling again. It is hardly surprising that pension funds, insurers and endowments are searching for new sources of return.}}
  • (lb) Thought to have undue influence.
  • :
  • Popular.
  • :
  • (lb) Adult.
  • :
  • *1931 , , Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer , Montgomery Ward (publisher), draft:
  • *:By midnight, however, the last light had fled / For even big people have then gone to bed[.]
  • (lb) Fat.
  • (lb) Important or significant.
  • :
  • *
  • *:"I was dragged up at the workhouse school till I was twelve. Then I ran away and sold papers in the streets, and anything else that I could pick up a few coppers by—except steal. I never did that. I always made up my mind I'd be a big man some day, and—I'm glad I didn't steal."
  • *{{quote-news, year=2011, date=October 29, author=Neil Johnston, work=BBC Sport
  • , title= Norwich 3-3 Blackburn , passage=It proved a big miss as Hoilett produced a sublime finish into the top corner of the net from 20 yards after evading a couple of challenges in first-half stoppage time.}}
  • Enthusiastic (about).
  • :
  • (lb) Mature, conscientious, principled.
  • :
  • :
  • (lb) Well-endowed, possessing large breasts in the case of a woman or a large penis in the case of a man.
  • :
  • Large with young; pregnant; swelling; ready to give birth or produce.
  • :
  • *(and other bibliographic details) (Joseph Addison) (1672–1719)
  • *:[Day] big with the fate of Cato and of Rome.
  • (lb)
  • :
  • Synonyms
    * (of a great size) ample, huge, large, sizeable, stoor, jumbo, massive * (adult) adult, fully grown, grown up * See also
    * (of a great size) little, small, tiny, minuscule, miniature, minute * (adult) little, young
    Derived terms
    * Big Apple * big-ass * big baby * big band * Big Bang * big bath * big beat * Big Ben * Big Bertha * big blind * big bluestem * Big Board * big-boned * big box * big boy/big boys * big break * big brother * Big Brother * big bucks * big business * big C * big cat * big cheese * Big Crunch * Big D * big daddy * big deal * Big Dipper * Big Easy * big enchilada * big end * big fat/big-fat/big phat * big figure * big fish * big fly * Big Four * big game * biggie, no biggie * big girl's blouse * big government * big gun * big H/Big H * big hair * big hand * big head/big-head * big-headed * big-hearted * big house * big idea * big if * big iron * Big Island * big kid * big labor * big-league * big lick * big lie * big lug * big kahuna * Big Mac * big money * big mouth * Big Muddy * big name / big-name * bigness * big O * big O notation * big old/big ole * big one/the big one * big pharma * big picture * Big Q * big rig * Big Rip * big science * big screen * big shagbank * big shot * big shoulder * big six/the big six * Big Six * big sleep * big slick * Big Smoke * big spender * big spring * big stick * Big Sur * big talk * big tent * Big Three * big-ticket * big time/big-time/bigtime * big toe * big top/big-top * big tree * Big Uglies * big up * big wheel * big whoop * big wig/big-wig/bigwig * big-wigged * big wow * great big * hit it big * make it big * /Mr Big/Mister Big * the bigs * too big for one's boots * too big to fail


  • In a loud manner.
  • In a boasting manner.
  • He's always talking big , but he never delivers.
  • In a large amount or to a large extent.
  • He won big betting on the croquet championship.
  • On a large scale, expansively
  • You've got to think big to succeed at Amalgamated Plumbing.
  • Hard.
  • He hit him big and the guy just crumpled.


    (en noun)
  • An important or powerful person; a celebrity; a big name.
  • (as plural) The big leagues, big time.
  • *
  • Synonyms
    * (big leagues) major leagues


  • To praise or recommend
  • Etymology 2

    From (etyl) (m), (m), from (etyl) (m), . Cognate with (etyl) (m), (etyl) (m).


  • to inhabit; occupy
  • to locate one's self
  • to build; erect; fashion
  • to dwell; have a dwelling
  • Etymology 3

    From (etyl) (m), from (etyl) .

    Alternative forms

    * (l) * (l), (l) (obsolete)


  • One or more kinds of barley, especially (six-rowed barley).
  • Statistics





  • Extending far away from a point of reference, especially downwards.
  • #Extending far down from the top or surface; having its bottom far down.
  • #:
  • #:
  • #*1591 , (William Shakespeare), Henry VI, Part 2 :
  • #*:Smooth runs the water where the brook is deep.
  • #Far in extent in another (non-downwards, but generally also non-upwards) direction away from a point of reference.
  • #:
  • #In a (specified) number of rows or layers.
  • #:
  • #Thick.
  • #:
  • #*, chapter=5
  • , title= The Mirror and the Lamp , passage=Here, in the transept and choir, where the service was being held, one was conscious every moment of an increasing brightness; colours glowing vividly beneath the circular chandeliers, and the rows of small lights on the choristers' desks flashed and sparkled in front of the boys' faces, deep linen collars, and red neckbands.}}
  • #Voluminous.
  • #:
  • #*
  • #*:Serene, smiling, enigmatic, she faced him with no fear whatever showing in her dark eyes.She put back a truant curl from her forehead where it had sought egress to the world, and looked him full in the face now, drawing a deep breath which caused the round of her bosom to lift the lace at her throat.
  • #A long way inside; situated far in or back.
  • #:
  • ## Far from the center of the playing area, near to the boundary of the playing area, either in absolute terms or relative to a point of reference.
  • ##:
  • ##:
  • ## A long way forward.
  • ##:
  • ##(label) Relatively farther downfield.
  • Complex, involved.
  • #Profound, having great meaning or import, but possibly obscure or not obvious.
  • #:
  • #To a significant, not superficial, extent.
  • #:
  • #:
  • #*2013 September 28, (Kenan Malik), " London Is Special, but Not That Special," New York Times (retrieved 28 September 2013):
  • #*:While Britain’s recession has been deep and unforgiving, in London it has been relatively shallow.
  • #Hard to penetrate or comprehend; profound; intricate; obscure.
  • #:
  • #* (Thomas De Quincey):
  • #*:Why it was that the ancients had no landscape painting, is a question deep almost as the mystery of life, and harder of solution than all the problems of jurisprudence combined.
  • #Of penetrating or far-reaching intellect; not superficial; thoroughly skilled; sagacious; cunning.
  • #*(rfdate), (William Shakespeare):
  • #*:deep clerks
  • Low in pitch.
  • :
  • *{{quote-book, year=1922, author=(Ben Travers)
  • , chapter=5, title= A Cuckoo in the Nest , passage=The departure was not unduly prolonged.
  • (lb) Dark and highly saturated.
  • :
  • *
  • , title=(The Celebrity), chapter=8 , passage=The day was cool and snappy for August, and the Rise all green with a lavish nature. Now we plunged into a deep shade with the boughs lacing each other overhead, and crossed dainty, rustic bridges over the cold trout-streams, the boards giving back the clatter of our horses' feet:
  • (lb) Sound, heavy (describing a state of sleep from which one is not easily awoken ).
  • :
  • Immersed, submerged (in).
  • :
  • Muddy; boggy; sandy; said of roads.
  • *(rfdate), :
  • *:The ways in that vale were very deep .
  • Synonyms

    * * (having great meaning) heavy, meaningful, profound * (in extent in a direction away from the observer) * (thick in a vertical direction) thick * (voluminous) great, large, voluminous * (low in pitch) low, low-pitched * bright, rich, vivid


    * shallow * (having great meaning) frivolous, light, shallow, superficial * (in extent in a direction away from the observer) shallow * (thick in a vertical direction) shallow, thin * (voluminous) shallow, small * (low in pitch) high, high-pitched, piping * light, pale, desaturated, washed-out

    See also

    * tall * wide * high * thick


    (en adverb)
  • Deeply.
  • * Milton:
  • Deep -versed in books, and shallow in himself.
  • * Alexander Pope:
  • Drink deep , or taste not the Pierian spring.
  • *
  • Hepaticology, outside the temperate parts of the Northern Hemisphere, still lies deep in the shadow cast by that ultimate "closet taxonomist," Franz Stephani—a ghost whose shadow falls over us all.


  • The deep part of a lake, sea, etc.
  • creatures of the deep
  • (US, rare) The profound part of a problem.
  • The sea, the ocean.
  • (cricket) A fielding position near the boundary.
  • Russell is a safe pair of hands in the deep .

    Derived terms

    * ankle-deep * beauty is only skin deep * deep background * deep blue sea * deep copy * deepen * deep down * deep drawing * deep end * deep fat * deep-fet * deep-freeze * deep freezer * deep-fry * deep in the money * deep in thought * deep kiss/deep-kiss * deep-laid * deep link * deep-mouthed * deep out of the money * deep pockets * deep-read * deap sea/deep-sea * deep-seated * deep-set * deep-six * Deep South * deep space * deep structure * deep supporting fire * deep thinker * Deep Thought * Deep Throat * deepthroat * deep vein thrombosis/DVT * deep web * deep well * in too deep * knee-deep * neck-deep * skin-deep * still waters run deep * waist-deep

    See also

    * deeps

