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Attributed vs Assign - What's the difference?

attributed | assign |

As verbs the difference between attributed and assign

is that attributed is (attribute) while assign is (lb) to designate or set apart something for some purpose.

As a noun assign is

an assignee.




  • (attribute)

  • attribute


    (en noun)
  • A characteristic or quality of a thing.
  • His finest attribute is his kindness.
  • (grammar) A word that qualifies a noun.
  • In the clause "My jacket is more expensive than yours", "My" is the attribute of "jacket".
  • (computing) The applicable option selection; a variable or a value.
  • This packet has its coherency attribute set to zero.
  • (logic) That which is predicated or affirmed of a subject; a predicate; an accident.
  • (computing, programming) A semantic item with which a method, etc. may be decorated.
  • There are some more implementations which use C
  • attribute s to define custom attributes specific to the AOP engine. Then the classes that need to be intercepted will be decorated with these custom attributes.
  • Synonyms

    * See also

    Derived terms

    () * attributeness * relational attribute


  • To ascribe (something) (to) a given cause, reason etc.
  • * Archbishop Tillotson
  • We attribute nothing to God that hath any repugnancy or contradiction in it.
  • * Shakespeare
  • The merit of service is seldom attributed to the true and exact performer.
  • * 2009 , (Diarmaid MacCulloch), A History of Christianity , Penguin 2010, p. 278:
  • H?kim's atypical actions should not be attributed to Islam as much as to insanity, which eventually led him to proclaim himself as Allah, whereupon he was murdered by outraged fellow Muslims.
  • To associate ownership or authorship of (something) (to) someone.
  • This poem is attributed to Browning.

    Derived terms

    () * attributable * attribution




    (en verb)
  • (lb) To designate or set apart something for some purpose.
  • :
  • (lb) To appoint or select someone for some office.
  • :
  • (lb) To allot or give something as a task.
  • *(Robert Southey) (1774-1843)
  • *:The man who could feel thus was worthy of a better station than that in which his lot had been assigned .
  • * (1796-1859)
  • *:He assigned to his men their several posts.
  • *
  • *:Captain Edward Carlisle; he could not tell what this prisoner might do. He cursed the fate which had assigned such a duty, cursed especially that fate which forced a gallant soldier to meet so superb a woman as this under handicap so hard.
  • (lb) To attribute or sort something into categories.
  • To transfer property, a legal right, etc., from one person to another.
  • To give (a value) to a variable.
  • :
  • Derived terms

    * assignment * assignable * assignation


    (en noun)
  • An assignee.
  • (obsolete) A thing relating or belonging to something else; an appurtenance.
  • * Shakespeare
  • Six French rapiers and poniards, with their assigns , as girdles, hangers, and so.
    English transitive verbs