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Asinine vs Crazy - What's the difference?

asinine | crazy | Related terms |

Asinine is a related term of crazy.

As adjectives the difference between asinine and crazy

is that asinine is failing to exercise intelligence or judgment; ridiculously below average rationality while crazy is insane; lunatic; demented.

As an adverb crazy is

(slang) very, extremely.

As a noun crazy is

an insane or eccentric person; a crackpot.




(en adjective)
  • Failing to exercise intelligence or judgment; ridiculously below average rationality.
  • * '>citation
  • Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of donkeys.
  • Synonyms

    * (failing to exercise intelligence or judgment) foolish, obstinate

    Derived terms

    * asininely * asininity




  • Insane; lunatic; demented.
  • * 1663 , (Samuel Butler), (Hudibras)
  • Over moist and crazy brains.
  • * , chapter=5
  • , title= Mr. Pratt's Patients , passage=Of all the queer collections of humans outside of a crazy asylum, it seemed to me this sanitarium was the cup winner. […] When you're well enough off so's you don't have to fret about anything but your heft or your diseases you begin to get queer, I suppose.}}
  • Out of control.
  • Overly excited or enthusiastic.
  • * R. B. Kimball
  • The girls were crazy to be introduced to him.
  • In love; experiencing romantic feelings.
  • (informal) Unexpected; surprising.
  • Characterized by weakness or feebleness; decrepit; broken; falling to decay; shaky; unsafe.
  • * Macaulay
  • Piles of mean and crazy houses.
  • * Addison
  • One of great riches, but a crazy constitution.
  • * Jeffrey
  • They got a crazy boat to carry them to the island.


    * * (out of control) (l) * deranged * zany * loco

    Derived terms

    * craze * crazily * craziness * crazing * crazy bone * crazy like a fox * crazy mad * crazy paving * crazy quilt * like crazy


    (en adverb)
  • (slang) Very, extremely.
  • ''That trick was crazy good


  • An insane or eccentric person; a crackpot.
  • Synonyms

    * lunatic * mad man * nut ball * nut case