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Ashake vs Ashame - What's the difference?

ashake | ashame |

As an adjective ashake

is shaking, aquiver.

As a verb ashame is

(rare) to make ashamed; to shame.




(en adjective)
  • shaking, aquiver
  • * {{quote-book, year=1869, author=R. D. Blackmore, title=Lorna Doone, chapter=, edition= citation
  • , passage="Dunkery Beacon," whispered John, so close into my ear, that I felt his lips and teeth ashake ; "dursn't fire it now except to show the Doones way home again, since the naight as they went up and throwed the watchmen atop of it. }}
  • * {{quote-book, year=1898, author=Stanley John Weyman, title=The Castle Inn, chapter=, edition= citation
  • , passage=Then you'll buy her dear,' cried my lady, ashake with rage. ' }}
  • * {{quote-book, year=1916, author=D. H. Lawrence, title=Amores, chapter=, edition= citation
  • , passage=AT THE WINDOW THE pine-trees bend to listen to the autumn wind as it mutters Something which sets the black poplars ashake with hysterical laughter; While slowly the house of day is closing its eastern shutters. }}




  • (rare) To make ashamed; to shame.
  • * 1740 , The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle , (ed.), vol 10, p. 245 (Google preview):
  • I am young Woman indifferently well brought up in the Country, and might raise my fortune considerably had I not got such a Habit of Sweating, which quite ashames me, when in Company.
  • * 1860 , , Julian Home: A Tale of College Life , p. 99 (Google preview):
  • The notice annoyed and ashamed him.
  • * 1983 , Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard) Oct 18 - Dec 1 , p. 399 (Google preview):
  • If it is one Minister who has done it he has ashamed us all and the title "Minister" will not be respected anymore.
  • * 2009 , Steve Scott, Insiders - Outsiders , ISBN 9781907172205, pp. 36-37 (Google preview):
  • They would think that I had abandoned them, that I could not handle the stress and pressure and this ashamed me immensely.
  • * 2013 Sept. 24, Sudarsan Raghavan, " Kenyan officials say Nairobi mall siege is over," Washington Post (retrieved 30 Sept 2013):
  • “As a nation, our head is bloodied but unbowed,” Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta said in a televised address, declaring three days of mourning. “We have ashamed and defeated our attackers.”

