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Apple vs Walk - What's the difference?

apple | walk |

As a proper noun apple

is a nickname for new york city, usually “the big apple”.

As a verb walk is

(lb) to move on the feet by alternately setting each foot (or pair or group of feet, in the case of animals with four or more feet) forward, with at least one foot on the ground at all times compare .

As a noun walk is

a trip made by walking.



(wikipedia apple)

Alternative forms

* apl (Jamaican English)


(en noun)
  • A common, round fruit produced by the tree Malus domestica , cultivated in temperate climates.
  • * c. 1378 , (William Langland), Piers Plowman :
  • I prayed pieres to pulle adown an apple .
  • * 1815 , (Jane Austen), Emma :
  • Not that I had any doubt before – I have so often heard Mr. Woodhouse recommend a baked apple .
  • * 2013 , John Vallins, The Guardian , 28 Oct 2013:
  • Close by and under cover, I watched the juicing process. Apples were washed, then tipped, stalks and all, into the crusher and reduced to pulp.
  • Any of various tree-borne fruits or vegetables especially considered as resembling an apple; also (with qualifying words) used to form the names of other specific fruits such as (custard apple), (thorn apple) etc.
  • * 1658 , trans. Giambattista della Porta, Natural Magick , I.16:
  • In Persia there grows a deadly tree, whose Apples are Poison, and present death.
  • * 1784 , (James Cook), A Voyage to the Pacific Ocean , II:
  • Otaheite […] is remarkable for producing great quantities of that delicious fruit we called apples , which are found in none of the others, except Eimeo.
  • * 1825 , Theodric Romeyn Beck, Elements of Medical Jurisprudence , 2nd edition, p. 565:
  • Hippomane mancinella. (Manchineel-tree.) Dr. Peysonnel relates that a soldier, who was a slave with the Turks, eat some of the apples of this tree, and was soon seized with a swelling and pain of the abdomen.
  • The fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, eaten by Adam and Eve according to post-Biblical Christian tradition; the forbidden fruit.
  • * 1667 , (John Milton), Paradise Lost , Book X:
  • Him by fraud I have seduced / From his Creator; and, the more to encrease / Your wonder, with an apple […].
  • * 1985 , (Barry Reckord), The White Witch :
  • Woman ate the apple , and discovered sex, and lost all shame, and lift up her fig—leaf, and she must suffer the pains of hell. Monthly.
  • A tree of the genus Malus , especially one cultivated for its edible fruit; the apple tree.
  • * 1913 , John Weathers, Commercial Gardening , p. 38:
  • If the grafted portion of an Apple or other tree were examined after one hundred years, the old cut surfaces would still be present, for mature or ripened wood, being dead, never unites.
  • * 2000 PA Thomas, Trees: Their Natural History , p. 227:
  • This allows a weak plant to benefit from the strong roots of another, or a vigorous tree (such as an apple ) to be kept small by growing on 'dwarfing rootstock'.
  • *
  • * 2012 , Terri Reid, The Everything Guide to Living Off the Grid , p. 77:
  • Other fruit trees, like apples , need well-drained soil.
  • The wood of the apple tree.
  • (in the plural, Cockney rhyming slang) Short for apples and pears , slang for stairs.
  • (baseball, slang, obsolete) The ball in baseball.
  • (informal) When smiling, the round, fleshy part of the cheeks between the eyes and the corners of the mouth.
  • Derived terms

    * Adam's apple * alligator apple * an apple a day, an apple a day keeps the doctor away * Apple * apples and oranges, apples to oranges (to compare ) * apples and pears * apple aphid, apple aphis * apple-bee * apple-berry * apple blight * apple blossom * apple borer * apple-box * apple brandy * apple brown tortrix * apple bud and leaf mite * apple bud moth * apple bud weevil * apple-bug * apple butter * apple cake * apple canker * applecart * apple charlotte * apple-cheeked * apple-cheese * apple cider * apple clearwing moth * apple core * apple-corer * apple-crook * apple crumble * appled * the apple doesn't fall far from the tree * apple domain * apple-domed * apple-dowdy * apple-drane, apple-drone * apple drops * apple dumpling * apple dumplin shop * apple-eating * apple-faced * apple-fallow * apple fly * apple fritter * apple fruit weevil * apple fruit rhynchites * apple-garth * apple geranium * apple grain aphid * apple-grass aphid * apple green, apple-green * apple-grey * apple-gum * apple head, applehead * apple-headed * apple ice wine * Apple Isle * apple-jack, applejack * apple jacks * apple jelly * apple jelly nodules * apple-john * apple juice * apple-knocker * apple leaf miner * appleless * apple liqueur * apple maggot * apple martini * apple midge * apple mint, applemint * apple-monger * apple-mose * apple-moss * apple-moth * apple nut * apple of Adam * apple of discord * apple of love * apple of Peru * apple of Sodom * apple of somebody's eye, apple of the eye * apple-oil * apple orchard * apple pandowdy * apple-pear * apple-peeler * apple-peru * apple pie * apple-plum * apple-polish * apple-polisher * apple-polishing * apple-pomice * apple potato bread * apple Punic * apple pygmy moth * apple root aphid * apple rust * apple rust mite * apples * apples and pears * apple sauce, applesauce * apple sawfly * apple scab * apple schnapps * apple-scoop * apple seed, appleseed * apple shell * apple small ermine moth * apple-snail * apple-slump * apple snow * apples of gold * apple of one's eye, apple of somebody's eye * Apples of the Hesperides * apple sourpuss * apple's queen * apple-squire * apple strudel * apple sucker * appletini * Appletise, Appletiser * apple tree * apple turnover * apple twig-cutter * (Apple Valley) * Apple Wassail * apple-water * apple wedger * apple weevil, apple blossom weevil * apple-wife * apple wine * apple-woman * applewood * apple worm * apple-wort * apple-yard * a rotten apple spoils the barrel * as sure as God made little apples, sure as God made little apples * bad apple * bake-apple, bakeapple, baked-apple * baking apple * Baldwin apple * balm-apple * balsam apple * bell apple * the Big Apple * bitter apple * blade apple * bob for apples * bobbing for apples * Bragi's apples * candied apple, candy apple * caramel apple * cashew apple * cedar apple * cedar-apple rust * cherry apple * chess-apple * cider-apple * common thorn apple * compare apples with apples * cooking apple * crab apple, crabapple * Criterion apple * custard apple * Dead-Sea apple * desert thorn-apple * dessert apple * devil's apple * devil's apples * earth-apple * eating apple * egg apple * elephant apple * golden apple * green apple aphid * hedge apple * hogapple * horseapple * how do you like them apples? * Indian apple * Jamaica apple * java apple * Jew's apple * John-apple * June-apple * kai apple * kangaroo apple * kei-apple * lady apple * the Little Apple * love apple * Macoun apple * mad apple * Malay apple * mamey apple * mammee apple * mandrake apple * May apple, mayapple * McIntosh * median apple * Micah Rood's apples * monkey apple * monkey apple tree * oak apple, oak-apple * Otaheite apple * pear-apple * Persian apple * Peruvian apple cactus * pineapple * pink fir apple * pitch apple * polish the apple * pond apple * potato apple, potato-apple * prairie apple * prairie crab apple * prickly custard apple * Punic apple * queen apple * road apple * road apples * rose apple * rotten apple * sage-apple * sea-apple * seven-year apple * sheld-apple, shell-apple * she'll be apples, she's apples * Snapple * snow apple * soap apple * sorb-apple * southern crab apple * star apple * stocking-apple * stone apple * sugar apple * sweet apple * taffy apple, toffee apple * thorn apple * toffee apple * tropical soda apple * vi-apple * vine apple * water apple * wax apple * Westbury apple * wild apple * wild balsam apple * wine apple * winter apple * wise apple * wolf apple * wood apple * woolly apple aphid

    See also








    (en verb)
  • (lb) To move on the feet by alternately setting each foot (or pair or group of feet, in the case of animals with four or more feet) forward, with at least one foot on the ground at all times. Compare .
  • :
  • *
  • *:Athelstan Arundel walked home all the way, foaming and raging.His mother lived at Pembridge Square, which is four good measured miles from Lincoln's Inn. He walked the whole way, walking through crowds, and under the noses of dray-horses, carriage-horses, and cart-horses, without taking the least notice of them.
  • *, chapter=15
  • , title= The Mirror and the Lamp , passage=Edward Churchill still attended to his work in a hopeless mechanical manner like a sleep-walker who walks safely on a well-known round. But his Roman collar galled him, his cossack stifled him, his biretta was as uncomfortable as a merry-andrew's cap and bells.}}
  • To "walk free", i.e. to win, or avoid, a criminal court case, particularly when actually guilty.
  • :
  • Of an object, to be stolen.
  • :
  • To walk off the field, as if given out, after the fielding side appeals and before the umpire has ruled; done as a matter of sportsmanship when the batsman believes he is out.
  • (lb) To travel (a distance) by walking.
  • :
  • *
  • *:Athelstan Arundel walked' home all the way, foaming and raging.His mother lived at Pembridge Square, which is four good measured miles from Lincoln's Inn. He ' walked the whole way, walking through crowds, and under the noses of dray-horses, carriage-horses, and cart-horses, without taking the least notice of them.
  • (lb) To take for a walk or accompany on a walk.
  • :
  • *(William Shakespeare) (1564-1616)
  • *:I will rather trusta thief to walk my ambling gelding.
  • To allow a batter to reach base by pitching four balls.
  • (lb) To move something by shifting between two positions, as if it were walking.
  • :
  • (lb) To full; to beat cloth to give it the consistency of felt.
  • (lb) To traverse by walking (or analogous gradual movement).
  • :
  • To leave, resign.
  • :
  • *(Edmund Spenser) (c.1552–1599)
  • *:He will make their cows and garrans to walk .
  • (lb) To push (a vehicle) alongside oneself as one walks.
  • *1994 , John Forester, Bicycle Transportation: A Handbook for Cycling Transportation Engineers , MIT Press, p.245:
  • *:The county had a successful defense only because the judge kept telling the jury at every chance that the cyclist should have walked his bicycle like a pedestrian.
  • To behave; to pursue a course of life; to conduct oneself.
  • *(Jeremy Taylor) (1613–1677)
  • *:We walk' perversely with God, and he will ' walk crookedly toward us.
  • To be stirring; to be abroad; to go restlessly about; said of things or persons expected to remain quiet, such as a sleeping person, or the spirit of a dead person.
  • *(Hugh Latimer) (c.1485-1555)
  • *:I heard a pen walking in the chimney behind the cloth.
  • (lb) To be in motion; to act; to move.
  • *(Edmund Spenser) (c.1552–1599)
  • *:Her tongue did walk in foul reproach.
  • *(William Shakespeare) (1564-1616)
  • *:I have heard, but not believed, the spirits of the dead / May walk again.
  • *(Ben Jonson) (1572-1637)
  • *:Do you think I'd walk in any plot?
  • Conjugation



    * (move upon two feet) - See also * be acquitted, get off, go free * (be stolen) be/get stolen; (British) be/get nicked, be/get pinched * (beat cloth) full, waulk (obsolete)

    Derived terms

    * walkathon * walker * Walker * walkies * walk away from * walk away with * walk in * walk in circles * walk into * walk it * walk it off * walk like an Egyptian * walk off * walk off with * walk on * walk on the wild side * walk out * walk over * walk through * walkie-talkie * walkman * Walkman * walkover * walk tall * walk the beat * walk the walk


    (en noun)
  • A trip made by walking.
  • I take a walk every morning
  • A distance walked.
  • It’s a long walk from my house to the library
  • (sports) An Olympic Games track event requiring that the heel of the leading foot touch the ground before the toe of the trailing foot leaves the ground.
  • A manner of walking; a person's style of walking.
  • The Ministry of Silly Walks is underfunded this year
  • A path, sidewalk/pavement or other maintained place on which to walk. Compare trail .
  • (baseball) An award of first base to a batter following four balls being thrown by the pitcher; known in the rules as a "base on balls".
  • The pitcher now has two walks in this inning alone


    * (trip made by walking) stroll (slow walk), hike (long walk), trek (long walk) * (distance walked) hike (if long), trek (if long) * (manner of walking) gait * (path) footpath, path, (British) pavement, (US) sidewalk

    Derived terms

    * cakewalk * catwalk * farmer's walk * intentional walk * perp walk * race walk * random walk * sidewalk * space walk / spacewalk * sponsored walk * walk in the park * walk in the snow * walk on the wild side * walk policy * whistle walk