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Anxiety vs Pressure - What's the difference?

anxiety | pressure | Related terms |

Anxiety is a related term of pressure.

As a noun anxiety

is an unpleasant state of mental uneasiness, nervousness, apprehension and obsession or concern about some uncertain event.

As a verb pressure is


As an adjective pressure is




  • An unpleasant state of mental uneasiness, nervousness, apprehension and obsession or concern about some uncertain event.
  • *{{quote-book, year=1907, author=
  • , title=The Dust of Conflict , chapter=4 citation , passage=The inquest on keeper Davidson was duly held, and at the commencement seemed likely to cause Tony Palliser less anxiety than he had expected.}}
  • * 2005 , .
  • But the other, because he's been immersed in arguments, gives the appearance of harbouring considerable anxiety and suspicion that he's ignorant of those matters he presents himself to others as an expert on.
  • An uneasy or distressing desire (for something).
  • I was anxious to get into the office before Henderson called from New York.
  • (pathology) A state of restlessness and agitation, often accompanied by a distressing sense of oppression or tightness in the stomach.
  • Synonyms

    * care, solicitude, foreboding, uneasiness, perplexity, disquietude, disquiet, trouble, apprehension, restlessness, distress




  • A pressing; a force applied to a surface.
  • Apply pressure to the wound to stop the bleeding.
  • A contrasting force or impulse of any kind
  • the pressure''' of poverty; the '''pressure''' of taxes; the '''pressure''' of motives on the mind; the ' pressure of civilization.
  • * (rfdate) (Macaulay)
  • Where the pressure of danger was not felt.
  • Distress.
  • She has felt pressure lately because her boss expects her to get the job done by the first.
  • * 1649 , (Eikon Basilike)
  • My people's pressures are grievous.
  • * (rfdate) (Atterbury)
  • In the midst of his great troubles and pressures .
  • Urgency
  • the pressure of business
  • (obsolete) Impression; stamp; character impressed.
  • * (rfdate) (Shakespeare)
  • All saws of books, all forms, all pressures past.
  • (physics) The amount of force that is applied over a given area divided by the size of this area.
  • Synonyms

    * (distress) affliction, grievance * (urgency)

    Derived terms

    * blood pressure * negative pressure * intraocular pressure * peer pressure * pressurize, pressurise * pressure altimeter * pressure altitude * pressure angle * pressure area * pressure atrophy * pressure bag * pressure bandage * pressure bar * pressure block * pressure cabin * pressure cable * pressure casting * pressure cell * pressure centre, pressure center * pressure chamber * pressure coefficient * pressure contour * pressure cooker * pressure decline * pressure deflection * pressure depth * pressure distillate * pressure distribution * pressure effect * pressure element * pressure epiphysis * pressure fan * pressure field * pressure flaking * pressure flip * pressure force * pressure gauge * pressure gradient * pressure group * pressure head * pressure hull * pressure hydrophone * pressure ice * pressure interface * pressure ionization * pressure jump * pressure line * pressure maintenance * pressure mark * pressure melting * pressure microphone * pressure mine * pressure naphtha * pressure of speech and pressured speech * pressure pad * pressure paralysis * pressure pattern * pressure penitente * pressure pickup * pressure pillow * pressure pipe * pressure point * pressure radius * pressure rating * pressure regulator * pressure ridge * pressure ring * pressure roll * pressure seal * pressure sense * pressure sensibility * pressure-sensitive * pressure solution * pressure sore * pressure suit * pressure survey * pressure tank * pressure tap * pressure tendency * pressure tube * pressure tunnel * pressure ulcer * pressure vector * pressure vessel * pressure viscosity * pressure washer * pressure wave * pressure welding * pressure zone * under pressure

    See also

    * (units of pressure) pascal (Pa); bar, barye (Ba); pounds per square inch (psi, lbf/in2, lb/in2), torr, mmHg, atmosphere (atm)


  • To encourage or heavily exert force or influence.
  • Do not let anyone pressure you into buying something you do not want.


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