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Algebra vs Function - What's the difference?

algebra | function |

As nouns the difference between algebra and function

is that algebra is algebra while function is what something does or is used for.

As a verb function is

to have a function.




(wikipedia algebra)
  • (uncountable, medicine, historical, rare) The surgical treatment of a dislocated or fractured bone. Also (countable): a dislocation or fracture.
  • * {{quote-book, year= a1420
  • , year_published= 1894 , author= The British Museum Additional MS, 12,056 , by= (Lanfranc of Milan) , title= Lanfranc's "Science of cirurgie." , url= http://books.google.com/books?id=6XktAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA63 , original= , chapter= Wounds complicated by the Dislocation of a Bone , section= , isbn= 1163911380 , edition= , publisher= K. Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co , location= London , editor= Robert von Fleischhacker , volume= , page= 63 , passage= Ne take noon hede to brynge togidere þe parties of þe boon þat is to-broken or dislocate, til viij. daies ben goon in þe wyntir, & v. in þe somer; for þanne it schal make quytture, and be sikir from swellynge; & þanne brynge togidere þe brynkis eiþer þe disiuncture after þe techynge þat schal be seid in þe chapitle of algebra . }}
  • * {{quote-book, year= 1987
  • , year_published= , author= (John Newsome Crossley) , by= , title= The emergence of number , url= http://books.google.com/books?id=rc6atSk1d4IC&pg=PA65 , original= , chapter= Latency , section= Al-Khwarizwi , isbn= 9971504146 , edition= , publisher= World Scientific , location= Singapore , editor= , volume= , page= 65 , passage= Algebra'' is used today by surgeons to mean ''bone-setting , i.e. the restoration of bones, and the idea of restoration is present in the mathematical context, too. }}
  • (uncountable, mathematics) A system for computation using letters or other symbols to represent numbers, with rules for manipulating these symbols.
  • * {{quote-book, year= 1551
  • , year_published= 1888 , author= , by= , title= A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles: Founded Mainly on the Materials Collected by the Philological Society. , url= http://books.google.com/books?id=JmpXAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA217 , original= , chapter= , section= Part 1 , isbn= , edition= , publisher= Clarendon Press , location= Oxford , editor= , volume= 1 , page= 217 , passage= Also the rule of false position, with dyuers examples not onely vulgar, but some appertaynyng to the rule of Algeber . }}
  • (uncountable, mathematics) The study of algebraic structures.
  • (countable, mathematics) A universal algebra.
  • (countable, algebra) An algebraic structure consisting of a module of a commutative ring along with an additional binary operation that is bilinear.
  • * {{quote-book, year= 1854
  • , year_published= , author= (George Boole) , by= , title= , url= http://books.google.com/books?id=YNAtAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA37 , original= , chapter= Signs and their Laws , section= , isbn= , edition= , publisher= Walton and Maberly , location= London , editor= , volume= , page= 37 , passage= Let us conceive, then, of an Algebra in which the symbols x'', ''y'', ''z , &c. admit indifferently of the values 0 and 1, and of these values alone. }}
  • (countable, set theory, analysis) A collection of subsets of a given set, such that this collection contains the empty set, and the collection is closed under unions and complements (and thereby also under intersections and differences).
  • (countable, mathematics) One of several other types of mathematical structure.
  • (figurative) A system or process, that is like algebra by substituting one thing for another, or in using signs, symbols, etc., to represent concepts or ideas.
  • * {{quote-book, year= 1663
  • , year_published= 1871 , author= William Clark , by= , title= Marciano; or, The discovery: A tragi-comedy , url= http://books.google.com/books?id=I18JAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA13 , original= , chapter= , section= , isbn= 1446062937 , edition= , publisher= Reprinted for Private Circulation , location= Edinburgh , editor= William Hugh Logan , volume= , page= 13 , passage= Fly ! Fly ! avaunt with that base cowardly gibbrish ; That Algebra of honour ; which had never Been nam'd, if all had equal courage—what? }}

    Derived terms

    () * * abstract algebra * alternative algebra * bialgebra * Boolean algebra * elementary algebra * finite algebra * free algebra * Lie algebra * linear algebra * modern algebra * multialgebra * subalgebra * power-associative algebra * prealgebra * submultialgebra * superalgebra * universal algebra * vector algebra




    (en noun)
  • What something does or is used for.
  • * {{quote-magazine, year=2013, month=May-June, author= Katrina G. Claw
  • , title= Rapid Evolution in Eggs and Sperm , volume=101, issue=3, magazine=(American Scientist) , passage=Many genes with reproductive roles also have antibacterial and immune functions , which indicate that the threat of microbial attack on the sperm or egg may be a major influence on rapid evolution during reproduction.}}
  • A professional or official position.
  • (senseid)An official or social occasion.
  • A relation where one thing is dependent on another for its existence, value, or significance.
  • (mathematics) A relation in which each element of the domain is associated with exactly one element of the codomain.
  • (computing) A routine that receives zero or more arguments and may return a result.
  • (biology) The physiological activity of an organ or body part.
  • (chemistry) The characteristic behavior of a chemical compound.
  • (anthropology) The role of a social practice in the continued existence of the group.
  • Synonyms

    * (what something does or is used for) aim, intention, purpose, role, use * (professional or official position) occupation, office, part, role * (official or social occasion) affair, occasion, social occasion, social function * many-to-one map, many-to-one mapping, mathematical function, operation, transformation * procedure, routine, subprogram, subroutine


    * (mathematics) relation

    Derived terms

    * absolutely continuous function * acidity function * adaptive-control function * additive function * additive set function * adjoint wave function * aggregate function * Airy function * Airy stress function * algebraic function * almost-periodic function * alternating function * analytic function * analytical function generator * anatomy of function * antihyperbolic function * antisymmetric wave function * antisymmetrized wave function * antitrigonometric function * arc-hyperbolic function * autocorrelation function * Baire function * bei function * ber function * Bessel function * beta function * bifunctional * biharmonic function * Bloch function * Boolean function * Borel measurable function * bounded function * boxcar function * Brillouin function * built-in function * Cantor function * characteristic function * circular function * cofunction * comparable function * complementary function * complete class of decision function * composite function * compressadensity function * computable function * concave function * confluent hypergeometric function * conjugate convex function * connect function * constant function * constraint function * contiguous function * continuous function * convex function * cosine function * cost function * countably additive set function * countably subadditive set function * critical function * cross-correlation function * cyclosymmetric function * cylinder function * decreasing function * delta function * density function * describing function * differentiable function * difunctional * digamma function * diode function generator * Dirac wave function * discriminant function * disfunction * dissipation function * driving-point function * dysfunction * effectively computable function * eigenfunction * eigenfunction expansion * Einstein partition function * electron wave function * electronic work function * elementary function * elementary symmetric function * elliptic function * Emden function * entire function * equivalent propositional function * error function * essentially bounded function * Euler's phi function * even function * excitation function * executive ego function * explicit function * exponential density function * exponential function * exponential generating function * feedback transfer function * Fermi-Dirac distribution function * form function * forward transfer function * Fowler function * frontogenetic function * function code * function failure safety * function generator * function key * function multiplier * function object * function space * function switch * function table * function unit * function-evaluation routine * functional * functionalism * functionality * gamma function * general-purpose function generator * generalized transmission function * generating function * Green's function * Hamiltonian function * Hammett acidity function * Hankel function * harmonic function * Heaviside unit function * hei function * her function * Hildebrand function * homogeneous function * Hugoniot function * hybrid wave function * hyperbolic function * hypergeometric function * identity function * implicit function * implicit function theorem * impulse function * incidence function * incomplete beta function * incomplete gamma function * increasing function * independent function * influence function * information function of a partition * initial mass function * inner function * integrable function * integral function * invariant function * inverse function * inverse function theorem * inverse hyperbolic function * inverse trigonometric function * inverting function * J function * Jacobian elliptic function * jump function * kei function * ker function * Koebe function * Lagrange stream function * Lagrangian function * * * Langevin function * left-continuous function * Legendre function * Leverett function * line function * linear discriminant function * linear function * Liouville function * locally integrable function * logarithmic trigonometric function * logarithmically convex function * loop transfer function * loss function * lower semicontinuous function * luminosity function * Lyapunov function * malfunction * malfunction routine * Massieu function * mathematical function program * Mathieu function * Maxwell's stress function * measurable function * membership function * meromorphic function * microspec function * minimal brain dysfunction syndrome * Minkowski distance function * * modified Bessel function * modified Hankel function * moment generating function * momentum wave function * monofunctional compound * monogenic analytic function * monotone function * monotone nondecreasing function * monotone nonincreasing function * monotonic increasing function * Morera's stress function * multifunction array radar * multilinear function * multiplicative number-theoretic function * natural function * Neumann function * nonfunctional packages software * normal density function * normalized function * normalized support function * NOT function * nuclear response function * number-theoretic function * objective function * odd function * optimizing control function * orthogonal function * orthonormal function * parabolic cylinder function * partial function * partial recursive function * particle distribution function * partition function * Patterson function * penalty function * periodic function * phase function * piecewise-continuous function * Planck function * point characteristic function * point function * Poisson density function * polynomial function * positive linear functional * positive real function * power function * predefined function * principal function * probability density function * probability mass function * programmed function key * proper rational function * propositional function * psi function * pulsed transfer function * quadratic function * Rademacher function * radial distribution function * radicofunctional name * random function * rational function * Rayleigh's dissipation function * real-valued function * recursive function * regular function * regulatory control function * restricted function * Riccati-Bessel function * Riemann function * Riemann P function * Riemann zeta function * sample function * scalar function * scattering function * * self-dual switching function * self-organizing function * sensitivity function * separated-function synchrotron * set function * sharpness function technique * shear-viscosity function * sigma function * simple function * simply periodic function * single-valued function * sinusoidal function * skewed density function * Smarandache function * source function * special function * spectral function * spherical Bessel function * staff function * step function * step-function generator * Stokes stream function * stress function * subadditive function * subadditive set function * subfunction * subfunctional * subharmonic function * subsine function * summable function * superadditive function * superharmonic function * support function * switch function * switching function * symmetric function * tapped-potentiometer function generator * test function * tetrafunctional molecule * thermionic work function * thermodynamic function of state * theta function * tool-function controller * torsion function * transcendental function * transfer function * transition function * transmission function * trigamma function * trigonometric cofunction * trigonometric function * truth function * Turing computable function * universal transmission function * universal wavelength function * upper semicontinuous function * user-defined function * variable diode function generator * vector function * viscous dissipation function * wave function * Wannier function * Weierstrass function * Weierstrassian elliptic function * weight function * work function


    (en verb)
  • to have a function
  • to carry on a function; to be in action
  • Synonyms

    * (to have a function) officiate, serve * (to carry on a function) go, operate, run, work


    * (to carry on a function) malfunction