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Aggravated vs Mad - What's the difference?

aggravated | mad |

As verbs the difference between aggravated and mad

is that aggravated is past tense of aggravate while mad is to madden, to anger, to frustrate.

As an adjective mad is

insane; crazy, mentally deranged.

As an adverb mad is

intensifier; to a large degree; extremely; exceedingly; very; unbelievably.

As an acronym MAD is

mutually assured destruction.




  • (aggravate)
  • Derived terms

    * aggravatedly




  • To make worse, or more severe; to render less tolerable or less excusable; to make more offensive; to enhance; to intensify.
  • To aggravate my woes. —
    To aggravate the horrors of the scene. —.
    The defense made by the prisoner's counsel did rather aggravate than extenuate his crime. —Addison.
  • To give coloring to in description; to exaggerate; as, to aggravate circumstances. — .
  • To exasperate; to provoke, to irritate.
  • * 1748 , (Samuel Richardson), Clarissa :
  • If both were to aggravate her parents, as my brother and sister do mine.
  • * {{quote-book, year=1905, author=
  • , title= , chapter=1 citation , passage=“It is a pity,” he retorted with aggravating meekness, “that they do not use a little common sense. The case resembles that of Columbus' egg, and is every bit as simple. […]”}}
  • * 1977 , (Alistair Horne), A Savage War of Peace , New York Review Books 2006, p. 85:
  • Ben Bella was aggravated by having to express himself in French because the Egyptians were unable to understand his Arabic.

    Usage notes

    * Although the meaning "to exasperate, to annoy" has been in continuous usage since the 16th century, a large number of usage mavens have contested it since the 1870s. Opinions have swayed from this proscription since 1965, but it still garners disapproval in Garner's Modern American Usage (2009), at least for formal writing.


    * heighten, intensify, increase, magnify, exaggerate, provoke, irritate, exasperate * See also




  • Insane; crazy, mentally deranged.
  • * Shakespeare
  • I have heard my grandsire say full oft, / Extremity of griefs would make men mad .
  • Angry, annoyed.
  • * , chapter=6
  • , title= Mr. Pratt's Patients , passage=She was so mad she wouldn't speak to me for quite a spell, but at last I coaxed her into going up to Miss Emmeline's room and fetching down a tintype of the missing Deacon man.}}
  • Wildly confused or excited.
  • to be mad with terror, lust, or hatred
  • * Bible, Jer. 1. 88
  • It is the land of graven images, and they are mad upon their idols.
  • * 1787: The Fair Syrian, R. Bage, p.314
  • My brother, quiet as a cat, seems perfectly contented with the internal feelings of his felicity. The Marquis, mad as a kitten, is all in motion to express it, from tongue to heel.
  • Extremely foolish or unwise; irrational; imprudent.
  • Extremely enthusiastic about; crazy about; infatuated with; overcome with desire for.
  • (of animals) Abnormally ferocious or furious; or, rabid, affected with rabies.
  • (slang, chiefly Northeastern US) Intensifier, signifies an abundance or high quality of a thing; , much or many.
  • (of a compass needle) Having impaired polarity.
  • Usage notes

    While within the United States and Canada, the word mad'' ''does'' generally imply ''anger'' rather than insanity, such usage is still considered informal. Furthermore, if one is described as having "gone mad" or "went mad", this will unquestionably be taken as denoting ''insanity''''', and not anger. Meanwhile, if one "is mad at" something or has "been mad about" something, it will be assumed that they are '''''angered'' rather than insane. In addition, if the word is understood as being used literally, it will most likely be taken as meaning "insane". Also, in addition to the former, such derivatives as "madness", "madman", "madhouse" and "madly" ''purely denote insanity, irrespective of whether one is in the Commonwealth or in the United States. Lastly, within Commonwealth countries other than Canada, mad'' typically implies the ''insane'' or ''crazy'' sense more so than the ''angry sense.


    * (insane) See also * (angry) See also * wicked, mighty, kinda, , hella.


  • (slang, New England, New York, and, UK, dialect) Intensifier; to a large degree; extremely; exceedingly; very; unbelievably.
  • He was driving mad slow.
    It's mad hot today.
    He seems mad keen on her.


    * hella; helluv;

    Derived terms

    * mad as a hatter * madden * madding * madhouse * madly


  • To madden, to anger, to frustrate.
  • * c''. 1595 , (William Shakespeare), '' , Act V Scene 5:
  • This musick mads me, let it sound no more.
  • *, I.2.4.iv:
  • He that mads others, if he were so humoured, would be as mad himself, as much grieved and tormented […].