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Affronted vs Insulted - What's the difference?

affronted | insulted |

As verbs the difference between affronted and insulted

is that affronted is (affront) while insulted is (insult).




  • (affront)

  • affront


    (en verb)
  • To insult intentionally, especially openly.
  • * Addison
  • How can anyone imagine that the fathers would have dared to affront the wife of Aurelius?
  • To meet defiantly; to confront.
  • to affront death
  • * 1978 , (Lawrence Durrell), Livia'', Faber & Faber 1992 (''Avignon Quintet ), p. 436:
  • Avignon was beginning to settle down for the night – that long painful stretch of time which must somehow be affronted .
  • (obsolete) To meet or encounter face to face.
  • * Holland
  • All the sea-coasts do affront the Levant.
  • * Shakespeare
  • That he, as 'twere by accident, may here / Affront Ophelia.


    * See also


    (en noun)
  • An open or intentional offense, slight, or insult.
  • Such behavior is an affront to society.
  • (obsolete) A hostile encounter or meeting.
  • Synonyms

    * See also




  • (insult)
  • Anagrams

    * *




    (en verb)
  • (obsolete) To behave in an obnoxious and superior manner (over, against).
  • *, II.3.3:
  • thou hast lost all, poor thou art, dejected, in pain of body, grief of mind, thine enemies insult over thee, thou art as bad as Job […].
  • To offend (someone) by being rude, insensitive or insolent; to demean or affront (someone).
  • (obsolete) To leap or trample upon; to make a sudden onset upon.
  • (Shakespeare)


    * (to offend) abuse, affront, offend, slight * See also




    (en noun)
  • An action or form of speech deliberately intended to be rude.
  • * Savage
  • the ruthless sneer that insult adds to grief
  • * 1987 , Jamie Lee Curtis, A Fish Called Wanda :
  • To call you stupid would be an insult to stupid people!
  • Anything that causes offence/offense, e.g. by being of an unacceptable quality.
  • The way the orchestra performed tonight was an insult to my ears.
  • (medicine) Something causing disease or injury to the body or bodily processes.
  • * 2006 , Stephen G. Lomber, Jos J. Eggermont, Reprogramming the Cerebral Cortex (page 415)
  • * 2011 , Terence Allen and Graham Cowling, The Cell: A Very Short Introduction , Oxford 2011, p. 96:
  • Within the complex genome of most organisms there are alternative multiple pathways of proteins which can help the individual cell survive a variety of insults , for example radiation, toxic chemicals, heat, excessive or reduced oxygen.
  • (obsolete) The act of leaping on; onset; attack.
  • (Dryden)


    * (deliberatedly intended to be rude) abuse (uncountable), affront, offence (UK)/offense (US), pejorative, slam, slight, slur * (thing causing offence by being of unacceptable quality) disgrace, outrage * See also




    * * English heteronyms