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Adorest vs Addrest - What's the difference?

adorest | addrest |

As verbs the difference between adorest and addrest

is that adorest is (accord) while addrest is (obsolete) (address).




  • (accord)
  • Anagrams

    * *




    (en noun)
  • Agreement or concurrence of opinion, will, or action.
  • * 1769 ,
  • These all continued with one accord in prayer.
  • * Francis Bacon
  • a mediator of an accord and peace between them
  • A harmony in sound, pitch and tone; concord.
  • * 17th' ' century , "The Self-Subsistence of the Soul", ,
  • Those sweet accords are even the angels' lays.
  • Agreement or harmony of things in general.
  • the accord of light and shade in painting
  • (legal) An agreement between parties in controversy, by which satisfaction for an injury is stipulated, and which, when executed, prevents a lawsuit.
  • (Blackstone)
  • (international law) An international agreement.
  • The Geneva Accord of 1954 ended the French-Indochinese War.
  • (obsolete) Assent
  • Voluntary or spontaneous impulse to act.
  • Nobody told me to do it. I did it of my own accord .
  • * Bible, Leviticus xxv. 5
  • That which groweth of its own accord of thy harvest thou shalt not reap.


    * (concurrence of opinion) consent, assent * (international agreement) treaty

    Derived terms

    * of its own accord, of one's own accord * with one accord


    (en verb)
  • (lb) To make to agree or correspond; to suit one thing to another; to adjust.
  • *1590 , (Philip Sidney), (w, The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia) , p.150:
  • *:[H]er hands accorded the Lutes musicke to the voice;
  • (lb) To bring (people) to an agreement; to reconcile, settle, adjust or harmonize.
  • *, Book III:
  • *:But Satyrane forth stepping, did them stay / And with faire treatie pacifide their ire, / Then when they were accorded from the fray
  • *(Robert South) (1634–1716)
  • *:all which particulars, being confessedly knotty and difficult, can never be accorded but by a competent stock of critical learning
  • (lb) To agree or correspond; to be in harmony.
  • *1593 , (William Shakespeare), , III-i:
  • *:For things are often spoke and seldom meant; / But that my heart accordeth with my tongue,—
  • *1671 , (John Milton), (Paradise Regained) , :
  • *:[T]hy actions to thy words accord ;
  • *
  • *:Carried somehow, somewhither, for some reason, on these surging floods, were these travelers,. Even such a boat as the Mount Vernon offered a total deck space so cramped as to leave secrecy or privacy well out of the question, even had the motley and democratic assemblage of passengers been disposed to accord either.
  • (lb) To agree in pitch and tone.
  • To grant as suitable or proper; to concede or award.
  • *1951 , United Nations' , article 14:
  • *:In respect of the protection of industrial property,a refugee shall be accorded' in the country in which he has his habitual residence the same protection as is ' accorded to nationals of that country.
  • To give consent.
  • To arrive at an agreement.
  • Derived terms

    * accord with * accordance * according * accordingly * accordment * defence accord ----




  • (obsolete) (address)

  • address


  • Direction or superscription of a letter, or the name, title, and place of residence of the person addressed.
  • Act of addressing oneself to a person; a discourse or speech.
  • * 1887 , Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, A Study in Scarlet , VII:
  • Mr. Gregson, who had listened to this address with considerable impatience, could contain himself no longer.
  • Manner of speaking to another; delivery.
  • Attention in the way one addresses a lady.
  • Skill; skillful management; dexterity; adroitness.
  • * 1813 , "Customs, Manners, and present Appearance of Constantinople", The New Annual Register, or General Repository of History, Politics, and Literature for the year 1812 , p. 179 (Google preview):
  • At their turning-lathes, they employ their toes to guide the chisel; and, in these pedipulations, shew to Europeans a diverting degree of address .
  • (obsolete) Act of preparing oneself.
  • A description of the location of a property.
  • * {{quote-magazine, date=2013-06-14, author=(Jonathan Freedland)
  • , volume=189, issue=1, page=18, magazine=(The Guardian Weekly) , title= Obama's once hip brand is now tainted , passage=Where we once sent love letters in a sealed envelope, or stuck photographs of our children in a family album, now such private material is despatched to servers and clouds operated by people we don't know and will never meet. Perhaps we assume that our name, address and search preferences will be viewed by some unseen pair of corporate eyes, probably not human, and don't mind that much.}}
  • (by extension) The property itself.
  • (computing) A location in computer memory.
  • (Internet) An Internet address; URL.
  • Derived terms

    * subaddress, subaddressing


    * adroitness * discourse * harangue * ingenuity * lecture * oration * petition * readiness * speech * tact


  • (obsolete) To prepare oneself.
  • * (rfdate), (William Shakespeare)
  • Let us address to tend on Hector's heels.
  • (obsolete) To speech.
  • * (rfdate), (John Dryden)
  • Young Turnus to the beauteous maid addrest .
  • (obsolete) To aim; to .
  • * (rfdate), (Edmund Spenser)
  • And this good knight his way with me addrest .
  • (obsolete) To prepare or make ready.
  • * (rfdate), (Edmund Spenser)
  • His foe was soon addressed .
  • * (rfdate), (John Dryden)
  • Turnus addressed his men to single fight.
  • * (rfdate), (Jeremy Taylor)
  • The five foolish virgins addressed themselves at the noise of the bridegroom's coming.
  • (reflexive) To prepare oneself; to apply one's skill or energies (to some object); to betake.
  • * (rfdate) (Thomas Babington Macaulay)
  • These men addressed themselves to the task.
  • * 1851 , (Herman Melville), (Moby Dick) ,
  • [...] good heavens! dumplings for supper! One young fellow in a green box coat, addressed himself to these dumplings in a most direful manner.
  • (archaic) To clothe or array; to dress.
  • * (rfdate) Jewel
  • Tecla ... addressed herself in man's apparel.
  • To direct, as words (to any one or any thing); to make, as a speech, petition, etc. (to any one, an audience).
  • * (rfdate) (John Dryden)
  • ''The young hero had addressed his players to him for his assistance.
  • To direct speech to; to make a communication to, whether spoken or written; to apply to by words, as by a speech, petition, etc., to speak to; to accost.
  • * (rfdate) (Joseph Addison)
  • Are not your orders to address the senate?
  • * (rfdate) (Jonathan Swift)
  • The representatives of the nation addressed the king.
  • * {{quote-magazine, date=2013-07-19, author=(Peter Wilby)
  • , volume=189, issue=6, page=30, magazine=(The Guardian Weekly) , title= Finland spreads word on schools , passage=Imagine a country where children do nothing but play until they start compulsory schooling at age seven. Then, without exception, they attend comprehensives until the age of 16.
  • To direct in writing, as a letter; to superscribe, or to direct and transmit.
  • To make suit to as a lover; to court; to woo.
  • To consign or intrust to the care of another, as agent or factor.
  • To address oneself to; to prepare oneself for; to apply oneself to; to direct one's speech or discourse to.
  • * {{quote-magazine, date=2012-03
  • , author=Lee A. Groat, volume=100, issue=2, page=128, magazine=(American Scientist) , title= Gemstones , passage=Although there are dozens of different types of gems, among the best known and most important are […] . (Common gem materials not addressed in this article include amber, amethyst, chalcedony, garnet, lazurite, malachite, opals, peridot, rhodonite, spinel, tourmaline, turquoise and zircon.)}}
  • (formal) To direct attention towards a problem or obstacle, in an attempt to resolve it.
  • * {{quote-news, year=2012, date=April 19, author=Josh Halliday, work=The Guardian
  • , title= Free speech haven or lawless cesspool – can the internet be civilised? , passage="By all means we want people to use social media, but we do not want you to use it in ways that will incite violence," said Jonathan Toy, Southwark council's head of community safety. "This remains a big issue for us and without some form of censorship purely focusing on [violent videos], I'm not sure how we can address it."}}
  • (computing) To refer a location in computer memory.
  • (golf) To get ready to hit the ball on the tee.
  • Usage notes

    * The intransitive uses can be understood as omission of the reflexive pronoun.