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Acknowledge vs Nod - What's the difference?

acknowledge | nod |

As verbs the difference between acknowledge and nod

is that acknowledge is to admit the knowledge of; to recognize as a fact or truth; to declare one's belief in; as, to acknowledge the being of a god while nod is to incline the head up and down, as to indicate agreement.

As a noun nod is

an instance of moving one's head as described above.

As an initialism NOD is

notice Of Disagreement; filed by an appellant in response to a denial of veteran's benefits in United States law.



Alternative forms

* acknowledg (obsolete)


  • To admit the knowledge of; to recognize as a fact or truth; to declare one's belief in; as, to acknowledge the being of a god.
  • :* I acknowledge my transgressions. - ''Psalm 51:3 .
  • :* ''For ends generally acknowledged to be good. -
  • To own or recognize in a particular quality, character or relationship; to admit the claims or authority of; to give recognition to.
  • :* In all thy ways acknowledge Him. - ''Proverbs 3:6
  • :* By my soul, I'll ne'er acknowledge thee. - , III-v
  • To own with gratitude or as a benefit or an obligation; as, to acknowledge a favor.
  • :* ''They his gifts acknowledged none. -
  • To notify receipt, as of a letter.
  • To own as genuine or valid; to assent to, as a legal instrument, to give it validity; to avow or admit in legal form; as, to acknowledge a deed.
  • Usage notes

    * Acknowledge'' is opposed to keep back, or conceal, and supposes that something had been previously known to us (though perhaps not to others) which we now feel bound to lay open or make public. Thus, a man ''acknowledges'' a secret marriage; one who has done wrong ''acknowledges'' his fault; and author ''acknowledges'' his obligation to those who have aided him; we ''acknowledge our ignorance. * Recognize'' supposes that we have either forgotten or not had the evidence of a thing distinctly before our minds, but that now we know it (as it were) anew, or receive and admit in on the ground of the evidence it brings. Thus, we ''recognize'' a friend after a long absence. We ''recognize'' facts, principles, truths, etc., when their evidence is brought up fresh to the mind; as, bad men usually ''recognize'' the providence of God in seasons of danger. A foreign minister, consul, or agent, of any kind, is ''recognized on the ground of his producing satisfactory credentials. * See also confess


    * avow, proclaim, recognize, own, admit, allow, concede, confess

    Derived terms

    * acknowledgeable * acknowledged * acknowledgedly * acknowledge the corn * acknowledged






  • (transitive, and, intransitive) To incline the head up and down, as to indicate agreement.
  • (transitive, and, intransitive) To sway, move up and down.
  • * Keats
  • By every wind that nods the mountain pine.
  • * 1819 "Frail snowdrops that together cling / and nod their helmets, smitten by the wing / of many a furious whirl-blast sweeping by." (Wordsworth, On Seeing a Tuft of Snowdrops in a Storm )
  • To gradually fall asleep.
  • To make a mistake by being temporarily inattentive or tired
  • Even Homer nods .
  • (soccer) To head; to strike the ball with one's head.
  • * {{quote-news
  • , year=2010 , date=December 29 , author=Chris Whyatt , title=Chelsea 1 - 0 Bolton , work=BBC citation , page= , passage=With the hosts not able to find their passes - everything that went forward was too heavy or too short - Terry once again had to come to his side's rescue after Davies had brilliantly nodded into the path of Elmander, who followed up swiftly with a deflected shot. }}
  • (figuratively) To allude to something.
  • * March 15 2012 , Soctt Tobias, The Kid With A Bike [Review]
  • Though the title nods to the Italian neo-realist classic Bicycle Thieves—and Cyril, much like the father and son in that movie, spends much of his time tracking down the oft-stolen possession—The Kid With A Bike isn’t about the bike as something essential to his livelihood, but as his sole connection to the freedom and play of childhood itself.
  • (slang) To fall asleep while under the influence of opiates.
  • Noun

    (en noun)
  • An instance of moving one's head as described above.
  • A reference or allusion to something.
  • * {{quote-news
  • , year=2012 , date=May 31 , author=Tasha Robinson , title=Film: Review: Snow White And The Huntsman citation , page= , passage=Much like Mirror Mirror'', ''Huntsman'' appears to borrow liberally from other fantasy films. Sometimes the nods are clever—Stewart’s first night in the forest, among hallucinatory fog that gives the trees faces and clutching hands, evokes Disney’s animated ''Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs from 1937. }}



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