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Accompany vs Imitate - What's the difference?

accompany | imitate | Related terms |

Accompany is a related term of imitate.

As verbs the difference between accompany and imitate

is that accompany is to go with or attend as a companion or associate; to keep company with; to go along with while imitate is to follow as a model or a pattern; to make a copy, counterpart or semblance of.




  • To go with or attend as a companion or associate; to keep company with; to go along with.
  • * 1804 :
  • The Persian dames, […] / In sumptuous cars, accompanied his march.
  • * 1581 , (Philip Sidney), An Apology of Poetry, or a Defense of Poesy , Book I:
  • They are never alone that are accompanied with noble thoughts.
  • * 1979 , (Thomas Babington Macaulay), The History of England :
  • He was accompanied by two carts filled with wounded rebels.
  • To supplement with; add to.
  • * , chapter=5
  • , title= The Mirror and the Lamp , passage=He was thinking; but the glory of the song, the swell from the great organ, the clustered lights, […], the height and vastness of this noble fane, its antiquity and its strength—all these things seemed to have their part as causes of the thrilling emotion that accompanied his thoughts.}}
  • (senseid)(music) To perform an accompanying part or parts in a composition.
  • (music) To perform an accompanying part next to another instrument.
  • (obsolete) To associate in a company; to keep company.
  • * (rfdate) Holland:
  • Men say that they will drive away one another, […] and not accompany together.
  • (obsolete) To cohabit (with).
  • (obsolete) To cohabit with; to coexist with; occur with.
  • (the obsolete cases)

    Usage notes

    (to go with) Persons are said to be accompanied by', and inanimate objects, state or condition is said to be accompanied ' with .
    * (go with) attend, escort, go with :* We accompany those with whom we go as companions. The word imports an equality of station. :* We attend those whom we wait upon or follow. The word conveys an idea of subordination . :* We escort those whom we attend with a view to guard and protect . :*: A gentleman accompanies' a friend to some public place; he '''attends''' or ' escorts a lady.




  • To follow as a model or a pattern; to make a copy, counterpart or semblance of.
  • * 1870 , Shirley Hibberd, Rustic Adornments for Homes of Taste (page 170)
  • Another bird quickly learned to imitate the song of a canary that was mated with it, but as the parrakeet improved in the performance the canary degenerated, and came at last to mingle the other bird's harsh chitterings with its own proper music.
  • To copy.
  • Synonyms

    * See also


    * create