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Taxonomy vs Accedes - What's the difference?

taxonomy | accedes |

As a noun taxonomy

is the science or the technique used to make a classification.

As a verb accedes is

third-person singular of accede.



  • The science or the technique used to make a classification.
  • A classification; especially , a classification in a hierarchical system.
  • (taxonomy, uncountable) The science of finding, describing, classifying and naming organisms.
  • Synonyms

    * alpha taxonomy

    Derived terms

    * folk taxonomy * scientific taxonomy

    See also

    * classification * rank * taxon * domain * kingdom * subkingdom * superphylum * phylum * subphylum * class * subclass * infraclass * superorder * order * suborder * infraorder * parvorder * superfamily * family * subfamily * genus * species * subspecies * superregnum * regnum * subregnum * superphylum * phylum * subphylum * classis * subclassis * infraclassis * superordo * ordo * subordo * infraordo * taxon * superfamilia * familia * subfamilia * ontology




  • (accede)
  • ----




  • (archaic) To approach; to arrive, to come forward.
  • To agree or assent to a proposal or a view; to give way.
  • To come to an office, state or dignity; to attain, assume (a position).
  • * 2002 , , The Great Nation , Penguin 2003, p. 32:
  • Maintenon had been governess to the children in the late 1670s before acceding to the king's favours.
  • To become a party to an agreement or a treaty.
  • Usage notes

    Use with the word to afterwards ie. accede to .


    * agree, acquiesce, assent, comply, concur, consent, concede

    Derived terms

    * accedence


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