Abowt vs Aboot - What's the difference?
abowt | aboot |
* {{quote-book
, passage=May 20th, after dynner, I with my brother, Mr. Justice Yong, went to the Archebishop of Canterbury to Lambeth, abowt the personagis who used me well.
, page=34
, titlelink=http://www.gutenberg.org/files/19553/19553-h/19553-h.htmpage34
, title=The Private Diary of Dr. John Dee
, author=John Dee
, year=1842
, page=34}}
* , “An Hi?torical Account of the Trade Winds'' and ''Mon?oons'', ob?ervable in the Seas between and near the ''Tropicks'', with an attempt to a??ign the Phy?ical Cau?e of the ?aid Winds”, re-printed in ''Mi?cellanea Curio?a: Containing a Collection of ?ome of the Principal Phænomena in Nature, Accounted for by the Greate?t Philo?ophers of this Age; Being the Mo?t Valuable Di?courses, Read and Delivered to the Royal Society, for the Advancement of Phy?ical and Mathematical Knowledge, As al?o a Collection of Curious ''Travels'', ''Voyages'', ''Antiquities'', and ''Natural Hi?tories'' of Countries; Pre?ented to the ?ame Society , second edition, volume I,
* 1889 , , The Mystery of Cloomber , chapter 8,
* 1926 August, , “From Missouri”, re-printed in The Lawless West ,[http://books.google.com/books?id=o0brOTCrQ5oC] Dorchester Publishing (2007), ISBN 0843957875, page 12,
As prepositions the difference between abowt and aboot
is that abowt is an alternative spelling of lang=en while aboot is eye dialect of lang=en.As an adverb abowt
is obsolete spelling of lang=en.abowt
(English prepositions)aboot
(English prepositions)R. Smith (1708), [http://books.google.com/books?id=sb04AAAAMAAJ&pg=PA65&dq=%22aboot%22 page 65,
- The one is, why, notwith?tanding the narrowe?t part of the Sea between Guinea'' and ''Brazile'' be aboot five hundred Leagues over, yet Ships bound to the Southward, ?ometimes, e?pecially in the Months of ''July'' and ''August , find a great difficulty to pa?s it.
- Maister Fothergill West and the meenister say that I maun tell all I can aboot' General Heatherstone and his hoose, but that I maunna say muckle ' aboot mysel'.
- “Heah he reads in a Kansas City paper aboot a schoolteacher wantin’ a job out in dry Arizonie. And he ups an’ writes her an’ gets her a-rarin’ to come. Then, when she writes an’ tells us she’s not over forty , then us quits like yellow coyotes. […]”