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What is the difference between abhorrent and execrable?

abhorrent | execrable | Synonyms |

Abhorrent is a synonym of execrable.

As adjectives the difference between abhorrent and execrable

is that abhorrent is (archaic) inconsistent with; far removed from; strongly opposed to, as, abhorrent thoughts while execrable is of the poorest quality.



(Webster 1913)


(en adjective)
  • (archaic) Inconsistent with; far removed from; strongly opposed to, as, abhorrent thoughts.
  • *
  • Contrary to; discordant.
  • * {{quote-book, year=1827, author=, title=The History of the Decline And Fall of the Roman Empire
  • , passage=This legal, and, as it should seem, injudicious profanation, so abhorrent to out stricter principles, was received with a very faint murmur, ... , url=http://books.google.com/books?id=rwoMAAAAYAAJ&dq=%22Injudicious%20profanation%2C%20so%20abhorrent%20to%20our%20stricter%20principles.%22&pg=PA82
  • v=onepage&f=false}}
  • *
  • Abhorring; detesting; having or showing abhorrence; loathing.
  • Detestable or repugnant.
  • *
  • *
  • *
  • Usage notes

    * Nouns to which abhorrent is often applied: behavior, act, crime, practice, thing. * (opposed) abhorrent'' is typically folled by ''from . * (contrary) abhorrent'' is followed by ''to .






    (en adjective)
  • Of the poorest quality.
  • Hateful.
  • * 1779 , Jefferson, letter to Patrick Henry written on March 27
  • But is an enemy so execrable , that, though in captivity, his wishes and comforts are to be disregarded and even crossed? I think not. It is for the benefit of mankind to mitigate the horrors of war as much as possible.
  • * {{quote-book
  • , date = 2001-06-01 , title = Guts: A Comedy of Manners , first = David , last = Langford , authorlink = David Langford , coauthors = Grant, John , publisher = Wildside Press , isbn = 9781587154485 , page = 72 , pageurl = http://books.google.com/books?id=XloXRhUhamIC&pg=PA72&dq=execrable , passage = The arcanely evil words of that despicable, loathsome, suppressed, vile, pululating, odious, nictating, repellent, repugnant, noxious, abhorrent, abominable, tory, execrable , nauseous work, Ye Boke of Guts , moved as if on a conveyor belt before his eyes. }}

    Usage notes

    * Nouns to which "execrable" is often applied: taste, road, crime, murder, thing.


    * abhorrent * abominable * atrocious * deplorable * despicable * detestable * disgusting * foul * heinous * horrific * loathsome * low * monstrous * repulsive * revolting * sickening * vile * wretched