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Overlap vs Overlip - What's the difference?

overlap | overlip |

As nouns the difference between overlap and overlip

is that overlap is something that overlaps or is overlapped while overlip is the upper lip.

As a verb overlap

is to extend over and partly cover something.



(overlapp) (intransitive)
  • To extend over and partly cover something.
  • the mousemat overlapped the edge of the desk
  • To have an area, range, character or function in common.
  • The two maps overlapped at the east and west edges
  • * '>citation
  • Memento unfolds over 22 scenes—or, more accurately, 22 strands of time, the main strand (in color) moving backward in increments, and another strand (in black and white) going forward, though the two overlap profoundly.
  • (mathematics) Used of sets that have some elements in common.
  • The set (all men) overlaps the set (vegetarians)


    (en noun)
  • Something that overlaps or is overlapped
  • (rugby) a situation in the game where an attacking line has more players in it than the defensive line coming to meet it. The attacking side may exploit the overlap'' by using their superior numbers to break the opposition's defensive line. If attackers outnumber defenders by more than one player this is often termed a ''two man overlap'' or ''three man overlap'', etc. If the attacking side fails to break through usually due to poor execution, they are said to ''waste an overlap .
  • overlip



    (en noun)
  • The upper lip.
  • (Chaucer)
  • * 2010 , John Banville, The Infinities (ISBN 0307592871):
  • They seem to her still so young, hardly more than children, really, even Adam—especially Adam—with that babyishly fat overlip that trembles so when he is excited or upset.
  • * 2014 , Samuel R. Delany, Tales of Nevèrÿon (ISBN 1480461733):
  • His eyes were closed, his mouth opened. His breathing, irregular for three, then four, then five breaths, returned to its normal, soundless rhythm. Stubbled overlip and wet underlip moved about some final, silent word:
  • Coordinate terms

    * underlip


    * * Encyclopedia of K9 Terminology (2013, ISBN 1617811351): An overlip occurs when the upper lip extends over and obscures the chin.