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Block vs House - What's the difference?

block | house |

As a noun block

is bloc.

As a proper noun house is

(us) the house of representatives, "the house".



(wikipedia block)


(en noun)
  • A substantial, often approximately cuboid, piece of any substance.
  • *
  • You young porkers who are sitting in front of me, every one of you will scream your lives out at the block within a year.
    A block of ice.
    A block of stone.
    Anne Boleyn placed her head on the block and awaited her execution.
  • A group of urban lots of property, several acres in extent, not crossed by public streets.
  • I'm going for a walk around the block .
  • A residential building consisting of flats.
  • * {{quote-book, year=1963, author=(Margery Allingham)
  • , title=(The China Governess) , chapter=Foreword citation , passage=He turned back to the scene before him and the enormous new block' of council dwellings. The design was some way after Corbusier but the ' block was built up on plinths and resembled an Atlantic liner swimming diagonally across the site.}}
    A block of flats.
  • The distance from one street to another in a city that is built (approximately) to a grid pattern.
  • The place you are looking for is two long blocks''' east and one short '''block north.
  • (slang) The human head.
  • I'll knock your block off.
  • A wig block: a simplified head model upon which wigs are worn.
  • * 1851 , (Herman Melville), (Moby Dick) ,
  • Next morning, Monday, after disposing of the embalmed head to a barber, for a block , I settled my own and comrade’s bill; using, however, my comrade’s money.
  • A mould on which hats, bonnets, etc., are shaped.
  • * Shakespeare
  • He wears his faith but as the fashion of his hat; it ever changes with the next block .
  • A set of sheets (of paper) joined together at one end.
  • A block of 100 tickets.
  • (computing) A logical data storage unit containing one or more physical sectors (see cluster).
  • (computing) A region of code in a program that acts as a single unit, such as a function or loop.
  • (cryptography) A fixed-length group of bits making up part of a message.
  • (rigging) A case with one or more sheaves/pulleys, used with ropes to increase or redirect force, for example, as part of the rigging of a sailing ship.
  • (chemistry) A portion of a macromolecule, comprising many units, that has at least one feature not present in adjacent portions.
  • Something that prevents something from passing (see blockage).
  • There's a block in the pipe that means the water can't get through.
  • (sports) An action to interfere with the movement of an opposing player or of the object of play (ball, puck).
  • * {{quote-news, year=2011
  • , date=February 12 , author=Oliver Brett , title=Sunderland 1–2 Tottenham , work=BBC citation , page= , passage=The match proved an unedifying spectacle until Spurs won a corner following their first move of real quality, John Mensah making an important block with Jermain Defoe poised to strike. }}
  • (cricket) A shot played by holding the bat vertically in the path of the ball, so that it loses momentum and drops to the ground.
  • (volleyball) A defensive play by one or more players meant to deflect a spiked ball back to the hitter’s court.
  • (philately) A joined group of four (or in some cases nine) postage stamps, forming a roughly square shape.
  • A section of split logs used as fuel.
  • (UK) Solitary confinement.
  • A cellblock.
  • (falconry) The perch on which a bird of prey is kept.
  • (printing, dated) A piece of hard wood on which a stereotype or electrotype plate is mounted.
  • (obsolete) A blockhead; a stupid fellow; a dolt.
  • * Shakespeare
  • What a block art thou!
  • A section of a railroad where the block system is used.
  • Synonyms

    * See also * city block

    Derived terms

    ; cuboid * * * * ; group of buildings * * * * * ; computing * ; distance * ; cutting base * * ; prevent passage * * * * * * ; rigging * * ; human head * * * ; volleyball * * * ; miscellaneous * * * * *


    * (volleyball) stuff, roof, wall


    (en verb)
  • To fill (something) so that it is not possible to pass.
  • The pipe is blocked .
  • To prevent (something or someone) from passing.
  • You're blocking the road – I can't get through.
  • To prevent (something from happening or someone from doing something).
  • His plan to take over the business was blocked by the boss.
  • (sports) To impede an opponent.
  • He blocked the basketball player's shot.
    The offensive linemen tried to block the blitz.
  • (theater) To specify the positions and movements of the actors.
  • It was very difficult to block this scene convincingly.
  • (cricket) To hit with a block.
  • (cricket) To play a block shot.
  • To disable communication via telephone, instant messaging, etc., with an undesirable someone.
  • I tried to send you a message, but you've blocked me!
  • (computing) To wait.
  • When the condition expression is false, the thread blocks on the condition variable.
  • To stretch or mould (a knitted item, a hat, etc.) into the desired shape.
  • I blocked the mittens by wetting them and pinning them to a shaped piece of cardboard.




  • (lb) Human habitation.
  • #(senseid) A structure serving as an abode of human beings.
  • #:
  • #*
  • #*:The big houses , and there are a good many of them, lie for the most part in what may be called by courtesy the valleys. You catch a glimpse of them sometimes at a little distance from the [railway] line, which seems to have shown some ingenuity in avoiding them,.
  • #*, chapter=1
  • , title= Mr. Pratt's Patients, chapter=1 , passage=Pretty soon I struck into a sort of path 
  • #An animal's shelter or den, or the shell of an animal such as a snail, used for protection.
  • #A building used by people for something other than a main residence (typically with qualifying word).
  • #:
  • #A public house, an inn, or the management of such.
  • #:
  • #(senseid) A place of public entertainment, especially (without qualifying word) a theatre; also the audience for a live theatrical or similar performance.
  • #:
  • #*{{quote-book, year=1905, author=
  • , title= , chapter=2 citation , passage=Miss Phyllis Morgan, as the hapless heroine dressed in the shabbiest of clothes, appears in the midst of a gay and giddy throng; she apostrophises all and sundry there, including the villain, and has a magnificent scene which always brings down the house , and nightly adds to her histrionic laurels.}}
  • #A brothel.
  • #(lb) A place of business; a company or organisation.
  • #(lb) The building where a deliberative assembly meets; hence, the assembly itself, forming a component of a (national or state) legislature.
  • #:
  • #A printer's or publishing company.
  • #:
  • #A place of gambling; a casino.
  • #A grouping of schoolchildren for the purposes of competition in sports and other activities.
  • #:
  • (lb) Extended senses.
  • #(lb) Somewhere something metaphorically resides; a place of rest or repose.
  • #*1598 , (Ben Jonson), (Every Man in His Humour)
  • #*:Like a pestilence, it doth infect / The houses of the brain.
  • #*1815 , (Walter Scott), (The Lord of the Isles)
  • #*:Such hate was his, when his last breath / Renounced the peaceful house of death .
  • #The people who live in the same house; a household.
  • #*(Bible), (w) x.2:
  • #*:one that feared God with all his house
  • #A dynasty, a familial descendance; a family with its ancestors and descendants, especially a royal or noble one.
  • #:
  • #(lb) One of the twelve divisions of an astrological chart.
  • #*1971 , , Religion and the Decline of Magic , Folio Society 2012, p.313:
  • #*:Since there was a limited number of planets, houses and signs of the zodiac, the astrologers tended to reduce human potentialities to a set of fixed types and to postulate only a limited number of possible variations.
  • #
  • #(lb) The four concentric circles where points are scored on the ice.
  • #Lotto; bingo.
  • #(senseid) House music.
  • # An aggregate of characteristics of a house.
  • #*
  • #*
  • #*
  • # (lb) A children's game in which the players pretend to be members of a household.
  • #:
  • Synonyms

    * (establishment) shop * (company or organisation) shop

    Derived terms

    * acid house * alehouse * auction house * basket house * birdhouse * boathouse * bring the house down * chapter house * country house * doghouse * doll's house * dosshouse * frame house * flophouse * full house * get on like a house on fire * glasshouse * Greek house * greenhouse * grow house * guesthouse, guest house * house arrest * houseboat * housebreaker * housecoat * house detective * household * householder * housekeeper * housekeeping * house leader * house lights * housemaid * house music * house of worship * houseplant * house poor * house-train * house warming * housewife * house wine * housework * housy-housy * lighthouse * lower house * meetinghouse, meeting house * on the house * outhouse * play house * playhouse * poorhouse * prisonhouse * public house * publishing house * put one's house in order * royal house * safe house * shophouse * storehouse * tiny house, 50 m2. * town house * tribal house * upper house * warehouse * wartime house * whorehouse * wirehouse


  • To keep within a structure or container.
  • The car is housed in the garage.
  • * Evelyn
  • House your choicest carnations, or rather set them under a penthouse.
  • To admit to residence; to harbor/harbour.
  • * Sir Philip Sidney
  • Palladius wished him to house all the Helots.
  • To take shelter or lodging; to abide; to lodge.
  • * Shakespeare
  • You shall not house with me.
  • (astrology) To dwell within one of the twelve astrological houses.
  • * Dryden
  • Where Saturn houses .
  • To contain or cover mechanical parts.
  • (obsolete) To drive to a shelter.
  • (Shakespeare)
  • (obsolete) To deposit and cover, as in the grave.
  • (Sandys)
  • (nautical) To stow in a safe place; to take down and make safe.
  • to house the upper spars


    * (keep within a structure or container) store * (admit to residence) accommodate, harbor/harbour, host, put up * (contain or enclose mechanical parts) enclose